Flower Vase

Materials Required

Cross-Stitch mats-3
Wollen balls---two contrasting colors
Gold beads-1 string
Crochet needle

Long stitches have to be put in one of the cross stitch mat (as shown in the pattern 1) and golden beads are to be stitched in the centre. For a standard size mat, four flowers in the first row and four in the second row can be done with a few columns spare for joining both sides of the mat.

Once these flowers are made on the mat, using a crochet needle, cover the upper and lower line of the mat and join the two vertical sides of the mat using normal running stitch.

Now, cut one mat into six equal squares and two more pieces of the same size from the third cross stitch mat. (Alternatively, you can make the vase with just six pieces also as in first picture)

Similar flowers like in the first mat have to be done in the two opposite corners, while the remaining two corners must have only three petals without golden beads. (Refer pattern 2) However, these flowers with three petals must be done on the wrong side of the cross stitch mat. Again, cover all the sides of piece using crochet needle. Join the two corners of the piece having three petals with a golden bead. Complete all eight square pieces in the similar manner.

Now, join the pieces one by one to the first mat, leaving eight squares in between two pieces. First stitch the upper and lower portions of the small pieces having flowers with four petals in the lower end of the first mat and the other end in two rows after the second row of flowers in the first mat.

Now, every two continuous small pieces attached to the mat must be joined using golden beads to form a complete flower of four petals like in the finished flower vase picture.

Cut a round piece in the remaining mat to fit the base of the vase and join it by way of running stitch.

Your beautiful flower vase is ready to decorate your homes.

More on Flower Vase

Affiliate of Ideas Money, Inspirations for Life, Easy Indian Food


  1. The combination colour used are terrific. i like the vase especially the black border one. I am going to try that one. Awesome vases...

  2. thanks Fiona and Kitchen scientist
