Decorative Hanging

Next time you get a new debit or credit card or even a new identity card, dont throw away your old one. Convert it into a beautiful hanging that can be hanged in the house and in cars.

Apart from such cards, you need white m-seal, colours, a plastic bell, strong thread and a picture of your choice. You can cut the picture from greeting cards or invitations.

Blend the two parts of mseal well.

Apply some mseal to the back of the picture and stick it on the card. Simultaneously apply mseal to cover the remaining portion of the card. Using a pencil, make curvy lines on the card when the mseal is still wet. The Mseal will dry in 20 minutes, so you have to be quick.

Also, attach the bell to the lower portion of the card and the strong thread in the upper portion as to hang it using mseal and cellotape.

Let it dry well and then paint it according to your choice or even write a few words on it.

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