Pot Painting with Mseal

Materials Required

Mseal 1 box
A pot
Black enamel colours
Gold Colours
Some talcum powder

Paint the pot with black enamel colour and let it dry well.

Mix the two parts of mseal to make a single dough and then shape it using talcum powder to make grapes or flowers as desired.

Stick them on the pot...make sure you finish sticking the mseal within twenty minutes of mixing it.

Let it dry well. Colour it using gold colour and let it dry.

Finally apply a coat of varnish.

More on M-Seal Work

Affiliate of Ideas Money, Inspirations for Life, Easy Indian Food

1 comment:

  1. All the paintimgs are superb. I had missed it. Would u tell me the next time he conducts workshop so that i can attend it.Thankyou,take care.
