Paper Bags

You can make perfect paper bags in ten minutes using handmade papers and decorate them in your own unique way to make it appear completely different from the ones available in the stores.

You need—

Handmade sheets
A big ruler
Thick thread or ribbons (you can use the ones from the old and torn paper bags)
The two devices available in craft stores for making holes and attaching eyelets

First fold the sheet into half leaving around half an inch on one side. Now, fold the bigger part to half as in the figure 1. After folding, AB must be equal to CD.

Now using the big ruler, fold three sides of the sheet to the width of the ruler. Press it well on the front as well as back sides.

The fourth side must be folded on both sides for a little more width than that of the ruler. This will be the portion that will hold the thread. See figure 2, the red dotted line is the fold in the first step while the rest apply the steps above.

Glue that half inch fold well to the inner side and wait for it to dry.

Open the folds. For the two vertical sides, push the folded part inside exactly into half, pressing the folds properly. For the bottom, cut the four corners. Fold the opposite sides and glue them, placing the smaller sides below the larger sides.

Now fold the entire flap in the top portion inside the bag. Mark points to make holes, two on each side using the devices.

Attach handles using the thread or ribbons, inserting them in the holes.

Decorate your bag with sequins, beads, laces, cuttings from old greeting cards or use your painting skills to make it unique.

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  1. Where do we get handmade papers in Chennai?

  2. I dont know any specific shop, but you will get in bigger stationery shops or wholesale paper supplies shops
