Pen Stand from old Newspapers

Materials Required

Old newspaper
Some old cardboard box
Water Colours

First cut a page of the old newspaper into 8 equal pieces. Do Similarly for atleast 5 more sheets.

Roll out each piece and glue in the end to form a pipe. Now cut the old cardboard box into the shape as in the picture. Start sticking each pipe to the cardboard box closely. Let it dry.

Paint with water colours. This is the just the basic pen stand. You can decorate it further with either multiple colours or some laces or any other decorative material.

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  1. hi,
    first time here.u got a nice blog with lot of crafts for homemakers.Good job.

  2. Hi
    just wanna say you are extremely talented.
    will try out that paper pen stand.
    oh i must say, thes craftwork of urs is really stunning. u kinda know everythin! painting crochet.....pot designing embroidery.......gr8..goodwishess

  3. Good one using newspapers.... nicely done!
