Decorative Piece with Matchsticks

Materials Required

1 box of unused matchsticks (can use red ones also)
Poster Colours
Chart Paper
Sequeins, chamki and any other decorative materials

Cut the chart paper into required shape. Draw a design like star and stick matchsticks to it by cutting it to the required length.

Use poster colours, sequeins, chamki or any other decorative material to fill in the gap.

It serves as a good gift item and can be used as a wall hanging too.

Affiliate of Ideas money, Inspirations for life, Easy indian food, Earn a Crore, Time Pass


  1. Wonderful ideas and creativity bubbling all around. Love all your work..

  2. thanks anu and a kitchen scientist for the appreciation

  3. hi,

    i want to do this wall hanging. i live in US. i want to know what type of paint u used. and have u done this on the thermacol paper plate or poster card board ...pls let me know.

  4. I have used poster colours and chart can even stick on paper plate.

  5. hai, u r idea was excellent.I LOVE TO DO .
