Folder Making

Make your own folder to store your documents and certificates.

Materials required

Cloth- printed or plain is your choice
Contrast colour cloth for borders
Thin foam sheet
Piece of welcro

Cut out two pieces of cardboard into rectangles of the size you want the folder to be. Stick foam on them and let it dry.

Cut two pieces of main colour cloth into size which is the combined size of the two cardboard pieces placed next to each other. Leave about 2 cms extra on each side. Also cut two smaller rectangle pieces for the lower pockets and two medium sized pieces for the upper pockets in the folder.

Arrange the pieces in the following way-
1) One big cloth piece of the rectangle shape
2) One cardboard piece with foam
3) Second cloth piece of rectangle shape
4) Medium size pocket piece
5) Small size pocket piece

Stitch these in the machine. Repeat for the other side as well. Stitch on all four sides once again. While stitching place the cardboard pieces at a gap of 1 cm. Stitch in the center also. Check if the folder is foldable and make necessary adjustments.

Cut long pieces of the contrast colour of 1 inch width and stitch it all over the sides as stitched while giving piping.

Cut two small rectangle piece of cloth in the main colour and stitch them on all sides leaving a little gap. Reverse the cloth using the gap and stitch a piece of welcro in one side and other piece of welcro on the front side of the folder. Attach this piece to the backside of the folder.

Printed cloth, old dupattas or sarees can be used to make attractive folders.

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Ideas money, Simple Indian Food, Inspirations for life, Easy indian food, Earn a Crore, Time Pass

1 comment:

  1. Nice idea for me at right time easy crafts.I was looking for a nice recipe organiser to buy.Now,may be with this idea I can make one with my own imagination.Will give a try when I get time.Thanks for sharing .
