Baby girl frock

 Simple frock for hot summers .
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Photo frame

Materials required

Card paper
Colour sand
Thick plastic sheet

Cut two rectangle pieces in cardpaper of measurement 2" more than the size of a normal photo. Mark 1.5" on all sides of one piece of cardpaper and cut out the inner rectangle.

Draw the desired shape on the front piece. Apply glue and spread the coloured sand on a small portion. Invert and remove the excess sand. Repeat for each colour sand seperately. Allow it to dry. If required outline is to be given with fabric colours. Cover the sand with plastic sheet by sticking with cellotape on the backside.

Stick the thick plastic sheet to the backside of this piece as a cover for the photo. Now stick both the rectangle pieces together from 3 sides, leaving one side open to put the photograph. Use cellotape to bind the sides.

Finally attach a thick piece of cardpaper on the back side to give support to the photo frame to make it stand.

Valaikappu decoration ideas

Made these for a valaikappu (baby shower) function...During this function, apart from putting glass bangles to the pregnant girl, glass bangles are also given to all the ladies present there. We can also make such small gift items to be given along with more bangles to wear. To make these, cut an oval shape in cardpaper and cover it with gift wrapping paper.

 Also cut an rectangle pieceenough to cover half the bangle and cover it also with gift wrapping paper.

Now stick this piece to the oval shaped piece and attach two bangles in the center using cellotape. Keep small boxes of haldi kumkum (manjal kumkumam) in the center and stick with cellotape so that it does not fall off.

We won @ "Best out of waste event"

A good news...We won the "Best out of waste" event at Naarisakhi for the Gift items made out of corrupted CDs.

There are lot of events and forums at Naarisakhi..If you want to be a part of it, here is the link to register in the site..Its free and quite an interesting site with information on different areas related to women..

Baby girl dress

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