Layered girl dress

Biege frock for a girl with layered skirt portion, fleated sleeves with bow, laces and sequeins in body portion.

Thread case with leftover cloth

Stitch this easy thread case with leftover cloth bits in just about 45 mins...Its easy now to store your threads and ensure they dont get tangled...

Materials required

Leftover cloth bits- 3 equal pieces of the required length (A)
Lining cloth of the same measurement- 1 bit
One more long piece of same width to tie up (B)
Contrast or matching plain strips for piping

Stitch the four ends of one long piece (A) and lining cloth. Cut one long piece (A) into half . Double fold and stitch one side of each piece lengthwise. Leave out this side and attach the other three sides to the piece with lining cloth. See pic and attach on opposite sides so that both the open sides face each other. Mark about 1-1.5 inches lengthwise on both sides and stitch from the closed end to the open end. Repeat for the entire length on both sides. Now stitch the third piece of A cloth on all four sides.

Double fold and stitch one side of the B piece widthwise. Fold the B piece lengthwise and stitch the entire length. Turn to the right side.

Sew the matching strips on all four sides and attach the B piece also along on one side with the unfolded end attached to one side of the finished piece.

It takes hardly 45 mins to get this ready and to store it just roll it up and tie the strip around..

** You can create the same thing with pockets on just one side for your kids to store their crayons too