Make your own unique jewellery with paper beads- Guest Post by Swarna Manoj

Thanks Swarna for this wonderful post..Check out more of her beautiful works at her blog  My craft works and FB page Krafty Waves

To make paper beads-

Magazine paper of any length
Pen Knife
Cutting/Chopping Board
Transparent Nail polish/Sealant
Tooth pick/Chop stick

Cut the Paper into Triangle strips - One end should be pointed and the other end of the strip can be of width 1 cm, 2 cm or as required for the bead as more width would give broader beads. 

Now start rolling each strip with the help of a tooth pick/Chop stick. Glue at intervals and also apply glue at the end of the strip. Apply transparent nail polish / sealant to water proof each bead and let it dry.

Now the paper beads are ready to be made into beautiful neck pieces, bracelets and earrings.

Join the paper beads with other colour beads or tubes depending on your creativity. The loops for earrings and hooks for bracelets are available in craft shops and can be used to make matching earrings and bracelets.

Kundan rangoli - Twirl design

Kundan rangoli - 6 pc set
Price : Rs 450
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