DIY Agamograph - Craft 15

Materials required

A-4 size sheets- 2
Any Colours- Sketchpens, crayons, colour pencils or water colours
Brush (in case of water colours)

  Take one sheet and cut it into half.

Now paint each of them with different background colours. Like Day and night or any 2 different design with different colour combinations. 

Fold the painted sheets in 4,6 or 8 parts. On the backside mark as A1, A2 etc depending on number of pieces for one painting and B1, B2 etc for second painting. Both of them should have equal pieces. I divided into 6 pieces each. So my pieces are A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and for the second painting B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6. Use same direction for folding these 2 parts and the big sheet also..else it will not match and you cannot complete this craft.

Cut them into strips.

In the second A 4 sheet which is plain as of now, we should make folds (total of A + B) like fan..One fold up, one fold down. My total was 6 +6 the sheet will have 12 equal folds. Write A and B alternatively in the folds.

Another example for 4+4 = 8 folds

Place the A pieces now to arrange the design in proper order. Start sticking them on alternate folds wherever there is A. Similarly arrange the B pieces in proper order and stick them in the B places marked in the paper folds.

Let it dry for 5 minutes. Your Agamograph is ready..Front view and 2 side views of finished Agamograph. Check the video at the start to use it. Have fun.

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