A variety painting workshop was conducted in Bangalore on 27th Jan by a professional Mr. Ramesh from Kerala and organised by Mrs Anu of Bangalore.
All paintings published in this post were done by Mr. Ramesh (except 1 and 13..which was tried out by me in the workshop)
We were taught new techniques and different kinds of stroke paintings. Here is what we learnt-
1) Simple flowers by pressing the brush on the paper once for each petal.
2) Flowers using Fan brush that Sir specially got for us from Kerala
3) Wet on wet landscape painting in 5 minutes.
4)Tie and dye techniques
5) Decoupauge
6) Pot Painting
7) Dry brush painting
8) Blade painting
9) One stroke painting
10) Stencil painting
11) Multi stencil painting with instructions on how to make a stencil
12) Chinese painting
13) Teardrop technique
14) Cartoons with numbers
Affiliate of Ideas money, Inspirations for life, Easy indian food, Earn a Crore, Time Pass